Best is Yet To Come, The


Here is Frank Sinatra's take on The Best Is Yet To Come, as recorded with the Count Basie Orchestra under the direction of Quincy Jones. This chart is a real Sinatra trademark, and of all the singers who have performed this song, it is Sinatra's rendition that has stood the test of time. We have written out the opening Basie Piano lick and the first muted Trumpet solo which sits behind the vocal, though the second solo is ad lib from the chords provided. We have also scored the chart for 8 brass (4+4) and given it a definite ending. There are no sax doubles, and the vocal keys are Ab modulating to A.

Part Number
Arranged by
Quincy Jones
Transcribed by
Alan Glasscock
Frank Sinatra
3 mins 15 secs
Trumpets 1-4
E6, C6, C6, Ab5
Trombones 1-4
Bb4, Bb4, G4, C4
Medium / Advanced
Vocal Ranges
Ab2 - D4 (11 steps, as sung)

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