Russian Patrol, also known as the Red Cavalry March and Meadowlands, was arranged by Jerry Gray for the Glenn Miller Orchestra and later played under the title of Meadowlands by Tex Beneke's band. Miller himself probably never heard his band play this chart, but he would have been rightfully proud of the boys in the band. At over 8 minutes, Russian Patrol is a long chart, and is quite demanding booth in terms of the playing stamina that is required and the musical precision necessary to carry it off. The brass ranges are high (lead Trumpet to high E and Trombones 123 to Bb) and all saxes are required to double Clarinets (Bari on Bass Clarinet). The solo spots are for Trumpet 1, Piano, Tenor, Clarinet (Alto 1), Trumpet 2 and Drums. All of the solos are written out "as played".